Toggle num cells
These two examples have dynamic height.
- Toggle num cells
- Debug
Live Editor
function NumCells() {const [keys, setKeys] = React.useState(() => range(5));const _toggleNumCells = () => {setKeys(range(keys.length === 5 ? 10 : 5))};const TRANSITION_DURATION = 250;return (<div style={{position: 'relative'}} ><button onClick={_toggleNumCells} style={{ margin: 4 }}>Random</button><ReactMixitupkeys={keys}dynamicDirection="vertical"transitionDuration={TRANSITION_DURATION}renderCell={(key, style, ref) => (<divkey={key}ref={ref}style={{width: 48,height: 48,border: '1px solid black',margin: 4,display: 'flex',alignItems: 'center',justifyContent: 'center',transition: `transform ${TRANSITION_DURATION}ms ease`,}}>{key}</div>)}renderWrapper={(style, ref, children, stage, frame) => {const w = (48 + 4 * 2) * 3;return (<divstyle={{display: 'flex',flexWrap: 'wrap',// as keys.length changes boxSizing must be border-boxboxSizing: 'border-box',width: w,transition: `height ${TRANSITION_DURATION}ms ease`,}}ref={ref}>{children}</div>);}}/></div>);}
This shows how to debug the frames which are next up to be rendered. The debug props can be useful if your animation is not behaving as you'd expect. The measure frame, i.e. when rendering a wrapper with position absolute etc, should have the same size as the stale frame
Live Editor
function Random() {const [keys, setKeys] = React.useState(() => range(5));const _random = () => {setKeys(shuffle(range(random(1, 10))));};const TRANSITION_DURATION = 250;return (<div style={{position: 'relative', height: 480}} ><button onClick={_random} style={{margin: 4}}>Random</button><ReactMixitupkeys={keys}dynamicDirection="vertical"transitionDuration={TRANSITION_DURATION}debugMeasure={1000}renderCell={(key, style, ref) => (<divkey={key}ref={ref}style={{width: 48,height: 48,border: '1px solid black',margin: 4,display: 'flex',alignItems: 'center',justifyContent: 'center',transition: `transform ${TRANSITION_DURATION}ms ease`,}}>{key}</div>)}renderWrapper={(style, ref, children, stage, frame, activeFrame) => {const w = (48 + 4 * 2) * 3;return (<divstyle={{display: 'flex',flexWrap: 'wrap',// as keys.length changes boxSizing must be border-boxboxSizing: 'border-box',width: w,transition: `height ${TRANSITION_DURATION}ms ease`,// add some styling when debuggingleft: stage === StageType.MEASURE ?w + 8 + (w + 8) * (frame.index % 2) : 0,border: (activeFrame && stage === StageType.MEASURE) ?'1px solid rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.12)' :'1px solid transparent',}}ref={ref}>{children}</div>);}}/></div>);}